Loss of An Acquaintance

Saw on the news that an acquaintance lost in the battle with depression. News of her death brought back some fleeting memories. She was an ex colleague who was not in good terms with some of our colleagues.

I remember her kept interrupting us at work, seeking attention even during work hours and this did not bode well with me, especially when I was rushing for a critical matter to be settled. I remembered shouting at her to stop talking to me while I was working after I gently told her earlier to chat later several times.

Now I felt so bad. I think I did not do anything wrong. But I guess I could be more stern without exploding on her.

She had problems adapting to life with colleagues so eventually she just resigned to focus on her son.

We didn’t keep in touch. I do received news here and then and was glad she joined Tzu Chi to do charity. I wish her well.

Unfortunately she lost battle to this life long depression. If I were to rewind time, I am not sure if I will do anything differently. But probably I could be kinder. Or maybe just don’t be a bitch especially to people who are vulnerable. Learn to read a person and perhaps to learn to apologise when I lose my temper. I was not aware of her dire situation and I was too quick to dismiss her as weird.

I guess the saying that goes, “Don’t judge a person too quickly. We don’t know what kind of life battles they are going through. Be kind.” rings true.

It’s too late now. I sincerely pray and hope her soul is finally at peace now.